A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away. -Eudora Welty
“The camera makes you forget you’re there. It’s not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much.”
— Annie Leibovitz
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Welcome to my site! I'm thrilled to share my passion with you! I have to say, I have a pretty cool "job". I'm one of the lucky ones that can say I truly love what I do! I mean, how many people get to say that? I literally capture moments!
I used to sit in the darkroom for hours and hours watching my big sis develop prints (yes, I started back when we shot actual film...). Eventually, I landed a job as an assistant for a photographer in Philadelphia. Lucky for me, he took me under his wing and taught me his craft. Neither of us really knew where the photography industry was heading in the years to come. Photography is always evolving which is one of the reasons I am still in love with it! It's constantly challenging me and making me better.
Fast forward to now... 20+ years later... living in sunny San Diego with my husband of 18 years, 2 kiddos, and still running my own business!